Environmental Policy

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Sustainability at Iceland Unlimited

At Iceland Unlimited, we cherish our natural environment and communities in Iceland. That’s why we want to take action to protect the local habitat and minimize the negative impact that tourism can have.

With this sustainability policy, we want to highlight the responsible practices guiding our operations. As Iceland Unlimited is part of the Travel Connect house of travel brands, we follow their certifications and policies to show our dedication to these issues.


Iceland Unlimited is a member of Travelife, an internationally recognized training management, and certification program for sustainability in tourism. We are at the first stage, Travelife Engaged, and are working towards stage 2, Travelife Partner. To reach this stage, we must meet over 100 sustainability criteria.

We hope to reach the highest level, Travelife Certified, in 2024. This shows that we’re working hard to demonstrate professionalism and integrity when it comes to environmental issues.


A series of Sustainable Development Goals were adopted as part of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These focus on the 3 pillars of sustainable development: economy, society, and the environment.

We want to play our part in reaching these goals and have built our sustainability policy around those relevant to our operations. The following are the goals we will focus on:

Responsible consumption and production (12)

Our aim is to emphasize resource efficiency and waste reduction. One of the ways we do this is by following the 3 Rs of waste management: reduce, reuse, and recycle. We also aim to support local businesses as much as possible.

Decent work and economic growth (8)

Tourism plays a fundamental role in Iceland’s economy and can impact its social and natural environments. For that reason, we want to ensure a sustainable approach in all our operations.

We aim to only select local suppliers that are fully insured, licensed and who uphold high standards of comfort and safety for our clients. And by focusing on local businesses, the revenue generated by visitors stays in the local communities.

Sustainability at Travel Connect

You can read our full Sustainability Policy on the Travel Connect website. There you’ll also find a summary of our future goals as we continue to work on becoming more sustainable.

For questions or comments about our Sustainability Policy, please contact Travel Connect’s sustainability coordinator, Kristín Halldórsdóttir, at kristin@travelconnect.com.


Environmental Policy at Iceland Unlimited

We at Iceland Unlimited are aware of the fact that businesses have substantial carbon footprints and environmental impacts. Our business is no exception, but we operate with awareness and focus on reducing the inevitable and possible negative effects we have on the environment. We take great care in trying to minimize these effects by promoting and implementing sensible shopping for office supplies, treating natural resources with respect and in a sustainable way, recycle office waste as much as possible and dispose of other waste in a responsible way.
Iceland Unlimited pledges the following:
  • To train our staff and make our customers aware of our environmental policy and provide useful information on how they can contribute and participate in the protection of the environment during their tours with us.
  • Provide our partners with useful information regarding our environmental policy and how they can contribute to protecting the environment
  • Continue to develop and improve our environmental policy and seek guidance and assistance on how to reach our goals
  • Provide our guests with information about how our environmental policies and contributions benefit our area of operations
  • To work with local/native partners as much as possible
  • Take the following into consideration regarding the operations of the company:
    • Avoid/minimize the pollution of land, water, and air.
    • Avoid the destruction of natural exhaustible resources
    • Avoid the destruction of habitats
Iceland Unlimited operates under license from the Iceland Tourist Board.


Iceland Unlimited is a member of Travelife, an internationally recognized training management and certification program for sustainability in tourism. We are at the first stage, Travelife Engaged, and are working towards stage 2, Travelife partner. To reach this stage, we must meet over 100 sustainability criteria.

We hope to reach the highest level, Travelife Certified, in 2024. This shows that we’re working hard to demonstrate professionalism and integrity when it comes to environmental issues.

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